The Sound of Fractions
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15.10 Additional thoughts from the author
After writing this thesis, I am confident of the following:
I still wouldn’t spell rhythm correctly if it weren’t for autocorrect, or a vice that it
resembles an iconic old train facing the right, where the ‘r’ is a caboose, the ‘y’ is the center,
the ‘t’ is where the wood is held to be put into the last ‘h’ smokestack, and the ‘m’ is the guard
that pushes objects out of the way of the train on the tracks. This may seem silly, but the word
‘rhythm’ appears XXXX times in this document. That doesn’t count my years of notes. So while
it is funny that I don’t remember how to spell it with precision immediately, I have a mnemonic
to cover my basis.
These are the words I have learned while in grad school, and thought enough to record
them for later reference - typhlostrophedontically, methystrophedontically, chiasmatically,
henophthalmotyphlostrophedontically, boustrophedontically, orthogonally, penultimate, gruit,
sable, proprioception, exteroceptive, interoceptive, lagniappe, hedonic, shirk, virgule,
patronymic, neologism, semogenesis, lethologica, trichotillomania, miasma, bijection,
heterozygosity, helen, gtts, pick, contumacious, cloying, lunule, petrichor, aglet, phloem, drupe,
preantepenultimate, pulchritudinous, callipygian, antepenultimate, propreantepenultimate,
somaesthetics, sentential, lexicographical, vartiwell, subsume, pentheraphobia, blaxploitation,
purposive, praxiology, bisceps, bicepses, flummox, fledging, vacillate, dour, vamp, abecedarian,
arity, blat, asymptotic, contrapositive, aleph, sybaritic, quixotic, bigram, hapax, hapax, velleity,
veridical, obverse, hilt, pervade, absquatulate, caroom, ramify, propinquity, homophily, boon,
micturate, explanandum, start, undergird, doatingly, ambisinister, lemma, ablation,
nosocomial, polsemy, olfactory, and finally din.
XXX Things to compile for final printing XXXX
- Count how many times `rhythm exists in this document’